
We advise entrepreneurs. We ensure that your company is legally sound. That your contracts are drawn up correctly. That acquisitions proceed according to plan. That the structure of your company is as desired. Our advice provides solutions, not legal lectures. We do not make legal problems more complicated than they are. We not only advise, but also have extensive experience with litigation.

We work for Dutch and international companies, ranging from SMEs to multinationals as well as non-profit organizations.

mergers and acquisitions
joint ventures and collaborative arrangements
management buy-out
business succession
sparring partner Board of Directors
shareholders agreements
shareholders’ disputes
abuse of a dominant position
apply Trust Office Foundation (STAK) constructions
certification of shares
two-tier board structure
Articles of Association
employee participations
directors’ and officers’ liability

conflict of interests
transfer of assets and liabilities
financing and securities
acquisition agreement
general contract law
attachment and execution
general terms and conditions
family businesses
international takeovers
franchise and distribution agreements
licence agreements
tenancy law (290, 230a)
intellectual property
brand name, trade name, trademark infringement
unlawful competition

Romke Wybenga

Amber Lombardo

Mirjam Pieters

Bert van Mieghem

Arent Jan Oskam